亚欧经济部长会议双语新闻 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年07月22日06:10 大连晚报 | ||
Square, greens, foutain, sculpture and dove, this is the Pearlofthe Northern China- Dalian. The fifth Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM)economic ministers meeting will be held here. Dalian is called the natural air-condition.It isneitherextremely cold in winter, nor utterly hot in summer. As the most romantic metropolis of China, Dalian won theGlobal500 in Environment issued by the UN in 2001.It is arepresentativeof Chinese modern coastal cities and has the largestnumber of citysquares in China. Dalian is a northern port city with a population of 5.9million.During last decade, its GDP has kept increasing at theannual rateof two-digit numbers every year and reached 140.6billionyuan(RMB), and the per capita GDP reached 3,056 US Dollarsin 2002.The city has more than 2000 Japanese companies. ThousandsofJapanese people now work here. World commercial giants, suchasCarrefour, Wal-mats joining bring this city multi-culture. As world-famous natural harbor, Dalian has more than 40over10,000-ton berths and trade and transport with more than300harbors of over 160 nations and areas in the world. NowadaysDalianhas become one of the most open cities in China. Dalian is also an important old industrial base of China,Chineselargest Shipyard factory and modernized ship assemblercompany areboth here. Dalian Locomotive Work, the largest one inChina tomanufacture large power inner combustion locomotives andboastingone half market share in China.晓旭大连—中国北方的明珠 广场,绿地,喷泉,雕塑,鸽子,这是北方明珠大连。第五届亚欧经济部长会议将在这里举行。 大连有“天然空调”之称,冬无严寒,夏无酷热。 大连被称为中国的“浪漫之都”。2001年,大连被联合国列入环境“全球500佳”城市。大连是中国沿海现代都市的代表。这里有中国最多的城市广场。 大连这座拥有590万人口的北方港口城市,近十年来国内生产总值每年保持两位数递增,2002年国内生产总值达到1406亿元,人均国内生产总值达3056美元。目前大连有2000多家日资企业,数以千计的日本人在这里工作。家乐福、沃尔玛的进入更给这座城市带来多元文化。 作为世界闻名的天然良港,大连港万吨级以上泊位就有40个,与世界160多个国家和地区的300多个港口有贸易运输往来。 大连已成为中国最具开放色彩的城市之一。 大连还是中国重要的老工业基地,中国最大的造船综合企业、最大的现代化船舶总装厂都在大连。中国使用的内燃机车,50%以上出自大连机车车辆厂。(来源:综合)
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